
We are a growing team of dedicated, caring, specialised tutors who are very committed to levelling the playing field for students on Education & Health Care Plans (EHCP), to ensure that they are getting the level of education they deserve. At Spectrum, we believe that happy students are productive students, which is why wellbeing is central to their success, and indeed ours.

Our mission is to enable students with complex needs to access a high-quality education. Children and vulnerable young people who have varying needs such as, but not limited to, depression, ASD, dyslexia, PDA and SEMH often become non-attenders at school as their situation does not allow them to access education in its current form.

Girl in a jacket

We promote...

  • Positive Behaviour to Learning
  • Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Building Positive Relationships
Girl in a jacket

We encourage...

  • Metacognition
  • Self-regulated Learning
  • Independence
Girl in a jacket

We establish...

  • A Positive & Supportive Learning Environment
  • A Clear Understanding of our Students' Needs
  • A Specific & Dynamic Plan to Address their Needs
Tailored Learning

We create tailored dynamic learning solutions for our students, providing education to each of them in a safe and secure setting. This allows them to build their self-esteem with a view to returning to mainstream education or an alternative provision.